Friday, October 28, 2022

Top 5 Sources News Sources

It is very important to diversify where you get your information and news from due to bias that each source for information has. It is especially important to check sources that are not local. When I want to check the news and find out what is going on in our world, I like to check at least 3 different sources for what story caught my eye. I often check BBCBloomberg, Russia Today, New York Times, and The Times of London. 

BBC news is a great source of information from Central London. They generally have a center bias but sometimes show some leaning left bias indicators meaning that they may moderately aline with liberal or left wing thought and policy agendas. I like this source because in my opinion, they cover a wide vide variety of topics.  
Bloomberg is a great source of information from New York City. They have a left bias and doesn't always show both sides of a topic. I like this source because it is useful to check differently biased news sources in order to see both sides of an issue, however you should remember that this news source is biased and maybe not always the most accurate. 

Russia Today is a great source of information from Moscow. Russia Today provides current news in six different languages. The network is also an eleven time Emmy Award finalist. They have a somewhat right biased. If you read Russia Today I would recommend also reading Bloomberg to get both sides of the story. 

The New York Times is a great source of information from New York City. This source has a bit of a left bias so it would be wise to view another source after viewing their information. The New York Times has won 130 Pulitzer Prizes and has around 6 million subscribers making it very poplar and well known. I like this source because not only do they cover current news events, they also have sections like science, home, travel, and other. 

The Times of London is a great source of information from London. This source is one of Britain's oldest and most influential newspapers. This source usually has a fairly center biased but has shown some right leaning bias indicators. I like this source because it covers a lot of the royal family in Britain which I find interesting and most reliable.  

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