Friday, November 18, 2022

Antiwar Voices

Antiwar Voices

After exploring and The American Conservative, I found that I have never heard these positions and opinions before in the news. On these websites I found articles such as "More Fog, More War", "US Told Ukraine to Tread Carefully After Missile Hit Poland", "Is 'Our Democracy' Failing Our Country" etc. These articles share information and ideas that are never shared on mainstream news outlets. 

I feel that we never hear anti-war voices because our government doesn't want us to hear them. Our government doesn't want citizens to disagree on what they are doing so they try to suppress every voice that goes against what they think and do. Another reason for our government not letting anti war voices be heard in the news is because they don't want other countries to know that some Americans are advocating anti war. If other countries knew this,  it may would make the United States look weak and other countries may think that they could take the United States over and even attack us. 

Censoring anything that goes against what the government is doing especially anti war voices is not new to other countries such as China removing articles off the internet that spread anti war ideas and even posts that share anti war protest eyewitness accounts which you can read more about here

In the U.S. citizens are supposed to be able to say whatever they want to say, post whatever they want to post, have and share their own opinions, and be able to criticize the government under the 1st amendment but obviously that is not totally the case when anti war voices are being suppressed by our government.

For these reasons, it is very important to do your own research on ideas that goes against what the government thinks and try to find websites like and The American Conservative because there is an unlimited list of voices that the government tries to keep out of the media and suppress for their own benefits. 

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