Wednesday, November 16, 2022

EOTO: What I learned...

 The Invention of Bluetooth

We all already knew that bluetooth is on our cell phones, laptops, Apple TV's, etc, but I was surprised to find out that bluetooth is also in hearing aids, refrigerators, and pacemakers. Bluetooth was created in 1994 by the Swedish multinational telecom vendor L.M. Ericsson. 

The inventors of Bluetooth were trying to solve the problems of flow in the transfer of data, the time that it took to transfer the data, and cut down on the amount of information that would get lost in translation. The invention of bluetooth solved these issues and sped up the amount of time that it took to get information from one place to another. Bluetooth not only bettered our communication but also became its own form of communication.

Today, bluetooth is most often used to connect our gadgets cordlessly such as mirroring our phone screens onto our TV's and connecting our phones to our cars for music and handsfree access to our cell phones. Other devices that we don't think about bluetooth being in is our security systems, remotes controls, watches, toys, and even our washing and drying machines. 

Bluetooth has been most beneficial for the healthcare system. Doctors now have the ability to monitor their patient remotely, transfer data and records quickly, enables emergency responses to cardiac arrest, and even allows doctors to keep a check on their patients vitals without being in the room with them. 

Every invention has its negative effects, especially technology inventions. Bluetooth is a big risk for internet hacking. According to studies, "any device with its Bluetooth connection turned on and set to "discoverable" maybe susceptible to bluejacking and possibly to blue snarfing if there is vulnerability in the software." For these reasons we should all be more careful of leaving our bluetooth turned on all the time and should be educated on these risks. 

I really enjoyed learning about the invention of bluetooth and was surprised to find out that bluetooth is used in more items then I thought. I was also surprised to learn about how much bluetooth has helped advance and help our healthcare system. 

Maddie's presentation 

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